Before you enter the Competition, Get Your FREE Access
to selected Oil Painting video lessons:
We are giving away the Old Masters Academy™ membership – it can be yours!
How it works:
- Simply answer a few questions below.
- You will be notified via email if and when your feedback is published.
- Three winners will be announced on this website and via email.
Winners are awarded every three months, on 31 May, 31 August, 30 November, and 28 February.
Previous Old Masters Academy Art Competition Winners »
How to Win:
This competition is democratic – we consider how many other people voted for you.
To win, ask your friends and followers to vote for you by sharing your entry, using the social buttons on your page.
The three participants with the largest number of votes will receive the Old Masters Academy™ memberships!
Just answer a few questions and submit your artwork(s) below:
[usp_form id=”art-competition”]