An other step …
I grew up among my grandfather’s brushes and paints. I learned from him the abc of the drawing. I drew in childhood until the teenage age but I gave up disappointed that I can not prepare myself and evolve, become a professional painter.
I’ve been thinking a few times to go to art college but I did not have anyone to prepare me for and I was not happy with what I was doing! Now, thanks to Vladimir and Natalie courses, I have overcome that moment!
Art has become a permanent concern for me, my researches have never ceased and will not stop here. My current attempt is to make my artistic experiments a professional work and I would like to learn about art everything. Maybe I will never succeed but it’s the way I want to live. Old master academy may be the lesson I still need, or a drop of an ocean.
I know that I am far from the realm called Art, but the tools to decipher this mystery I can find to Natalie and Vladimir, and I am willing to learn from anyone who is willing to give me from his knowledge. …