Artwork by Lynda Naske
I am a colored pencil artist in rural, upstate New York. I began my fascination with colored pencil as a young mother waiting for my daughters at sports practices. As I sat with my drawing board propped on the steering wheel and a box of Prismacolors by my side, I quickly became fascinated with the possibilities to be found at the tip of a simple pencil.
Many years later, I try as much as possible to make art a daily presence in my life. To surround myself with an “art structure system” for accountability and motivation, I belong to an artists coop with a gallery space and enter juried and non-juried art competition to ensure that deadlines keep me productive, focused and aware of the works of my art peers and art mentors.
My art challenges are STILL HAVING A JOB, as well as grandchildren and aged parents nearby. I have to strike the balance between time demands, significant relationships and my passion for art. …