Artwork by Scott Shulman
About 8 years ago I had a midlife crisis of sorts. My father, who had worked very hard his whole life, passed away three months after retiring. He had only a couple of carefree months in his adult life, and barely scratched the surface of the things he wanted to do.
I decided to make some changes to my lifestyle. I began basically working part-time, took a paycut, and made space for the things I really cared about — my family and my Art, something I hadn’t done seriously since high school.
But Art consumes lots of time — ESPECIALLY when you are learning. The hours and work it requires can compete with time with family and friends, and can make me sometimes feel selfish.
Yet at the same time makes me feel more alive, more centered, more fulfilled. It awakens parts of my soul dormant since childhood. When I’m creating I feel more connected to the world and to the people around me… which in turn makes me a better father and husband, no doubt about it. It simply makes life better.
Here’s where Old Masters Academy would hopefully come in.. With the more structured learning process at Old Masters I’d hope to become a more efficient student, to help get the progress I desire with less wheel spinning, and less feeling torn in a disorganized fashion. To use my learning time more wisely.
…and hopefully, more time feeling fulfilled, and less time feeling selfish.
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