Artwork by Stephen Marvin
Your vote will assist in perfecting a craft for tempera painting moving color from tubes with muddy results toward more striking luminous color blends using powder and egg yolk. Tempera painting techniques can produce amazingly accurate results by learning technique of preparing medium for hosting the work as well as brush and composition. Envy to see Old Masters and feel the Academy will enable improved structure to my own work as well as recording the transition and milestone learning moments.
Long admired the traditions and participation with the Academy. Would like to learn more about the internal spiritual motivation that makes some are work stand out more than others. My personal challenge is with crisp color combinations making a work of art presentation to cause a pause in a glance and ultimately, a tear, of wonderment. Since a child on a small farm with limited resources, having a paper and some watercolors have been infinitely transformative to a more beautiful hopeful world. Always felt there was an element of art/alchemy/surrealism to my life growing up with large family but seeming to be isolated with more attraction to a walk in the woods with my dog than staying after school playing sports, music or the chess club. Always felt alone in the surroundings out of place with current time and not belonging to any connections. Always able to predict or anticipate an outcome which had yet to occur wanting to explore deeper meaning and purpose of the universe.
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