Artwork by Mak Morton
I am a dedicated forever learning artist. Drawing and watercolor come easiest to me, but I am very well versed in screen printing, copper plate etching, stone carving jewellery, lettering / graphic design, acrylic painting, and fashion as well. I pride myself in my ability to find creative solutions. I draw inspiration from the natural world.
I am a philosopher of dreams and the subconscious. My best pieces seem to create themselves, and revel new insights and meaning when they are completed. I love exploring dualities, juxtapositions, chaos, pattern, premonitions, dreams, omens, symbols and more through my artistic practice.
I view the world through the eye of an artist at all times. I see in contour drawing, and primary colors; in shape, form, light, and dark. I am always analysing the world around me. The saturation gradients of the foreshortened mountains, the iridescent feathers of a passing bird. I see in layers, strokes, opacity and translucency.
Art is always on my mind. When I am focusing on an art problem, my mind never rests. The world seems quite surreal sometimes, but I don’t mind.
My acrylic and oil paintings as they are now look very forced, and I don’t feel like I am in control of anything that ends up on the canvas. Its wastes a lot of paint and time to fumble around like I am. I also want to be able to paint more realistically and accurately to what I can imagine / draw. I have come very far as an artist, but there is still a long way to go!
I want to better control light and transparency. I want to give meaning not just in the subject of the art, but in the colors, the shadows, the textures, the depth, the brushstrokes and more. I want to paint more realistically and make huge pieces. I want to create groundbreaking masterful pieces.
The Old Masters Academy course seems like exactly what I have been searching for. A specific, step by step, detailed course I can dedicate myself to.
I don’t have a formal education because no school, course, or class has met my expectations by a long shot. I want to learn how to be a master artist, not how to paint yet another color wheel. I have been looking for opportunities where I can invest in my future, and this course seems perfect!
People look at me and think I am aimless, lost, or don’t have a clear idea of what to do with my life. Yet I do, and always have for as long as I can remember. I am an artist, and that is my path. If I don’t win this, I will purchase it anyway, but money is tight and I will have to save up!
We should always support our creatives!
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