Artwork by Matilda Müller
I am a mum and a painter from Croatia.
I love to paint and my son and my dog, too.
I am in love with writing poetry and huge lover of trees, not to forget.
Art takes enourmeous place in my life. Every true artist breathe art every day. In many ways. So do I. Art is life for me!
After my work, taking care of my child and home I have a little time for what I love the most: drawing, painting, music, reading, Art in general.
BUT I find it somehow, mostley during the night, even for a little sketch/study.
I am allways open for learning new skills which I see that your Old Masters Acadamy can give me.
More knowledge, more happines and more I can offer to the world. This is why people should vote for me.
When I learn something new, I try to incorporate it in my artworks and then deliver emotion and joy to the viewers. On that way I really want that people feel somehow good and happy. And becouse of that, I want to win.
Thank you for voting for me!
Martina says
Bimbo says
Holga says
You’re my inspiration!
Klaus says
Your hard work have paid off