To Learn all I can from the Old Masters
I am an artist who is 26 years old. I learned how to draw, paint, and take pictures on my own from a very young age. When the Web Art Academy Course was originally announced, I discovered it. Since then, I’ve taken the lessons gently and tried to absorb as much as I can because I’m determined to advance both my art and my livelihood.
Since I was a small lad, the classics have always captivated me the most, particularly the sketches of the Italian mastermind Leonardo da Vinci, from whom I have learnt a lot.
Since I started painting, I’ve developed an interest in his oil paintings. I’m now receptive to the lessons of other greats as well, such as Rembrandt, who immediately caught my eye. However, facing their work and doing anything as ambitious can be extremely daunting, especially if they are by themselves and no one knows how or what to do.

For me, art is not just a passion but also a purpose; I want to improve and create my own artistic style by learning as much as I can from the history of previous styles, techniques, and approaches. I therefore decided to take part in the educational experience when I learned about this new painting course on the old masters at this time. Even though I’ve only recently started my artistic career and am developing my body of work, if given the chance, I wouldn’t pass up the chance to study under the greats.
The amount of knowledge made available by the courses this team offers is something for which I am thankful. It holds a special place in my heart for my development as an artist and will always hold that value.
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