Artwork by Rebecca Murray
Throughout my childhood I always had pencils or paint in my hands. I entered many competitions and won a few. But life as an adult began and creating art fell by the wayside. Now I’m older, my children are older and I have the time to pursue the pencils and paint that I left behind.
I love to paint animals, building up their features one layer at a time. I do struggle to know if a painting is done, if I’ve captured the animal’s uniqueness to the best of my ability or if I’ve gone too far and should have stopped a few brushstrokes ago!
I try to embody the techniques used by the great master painters. I would love to learn more about how and why they did what they did, and how to manipulate paint to create the effect I desire.
I would love to win this course so I can learn, while also maintaining my family life. I don’t have the time to attend a Fine Art degree full time but still have a thirst for knowledge. To have access to the information offered, as well as the support from the tutors. I want to learn more so I can create paintings that convey emotion more effectively and that are technically of a higher quality.
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