Artwork by Erick
Born in Somoto, County of Madriz, Nicaragua Central America.
My father Cesar Octavio and my grandmother Ana Maria taught me the appreciation and passion for fine art and my son Jose Alejandro and Eliezer David are my daily inspiration.
Relocated to the Lehigh Valley Area in 2010.
Elementary School, School Salomon de la Selva, Somoto. 1975-1981. High School, at the National Institute of Madriz. 1982-1988.
Master Degree in Civil Engineering at the National University of Engineering (UNI), Managua, Nicaragua. 1990-1994.
Some of the techniques I currently use
• Realistic Oil Painting on Canvas (Portraits, Landscapes, Still Lifes)
• Primitive Oil Painting on Canvas.
I’m currently working on the art of classical realism, this technique takes lots of work and time, but the results are incredibly amazing.
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