Artwork by Jenifer Sherina Edwin
I’m Jenifer and I’m A 26 year old artist from India.
Art has always been a big part of who I am even as a child and when the time came for me to choose a career path, I was pressured by my family to take up architecture since I come from a family of engineers. So I shelved my dreams of becoming an artist putting myself through architecture school.
Soon after, I was married. After an unhappy marriage which lasted a few months wherein my art was the only thing that got me through difficult days, I decided to become a full time artist. Although I paint, I’m a self taught artist and have no formal training in art.
I’m interested in learning the techniques and styles of the old masters and honing my skills as an artist. This is exactly what the old masters academy is trying to teach prospective artists. As a person who took up art for a profession without a formal training in art, I would like to inspire people to follow their dreams.
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